Hidden Worlds and Wonders

Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition

Exhibition Dates    July 12 through October 26, 2025

Juried Exhibition Overview

The Norman Rockwell Museum invites your participation in a unique juried exhibition of contemporary sculpture and installation art, to be showcased throughout its bucolic 36 acre campus in Stockbridge, MA. Artists working in a variety of media and artistic styles may submit proposals for Hidden Wonders, which will be held in conjunction with the Museum’s upcoming exhibition, I SPY! Walter Wick’s Hidden Wonders, on view in the galleries from June 7 through October 26, 2025.

The whimsical world of Walter Wick has fascinated people of all ages since 1991, when his first children’s book series I SPY found its way onto the bookshelves of millions of American households.

Innovative, imaginative sculptural works are requested in any of the following themes:

  • Seek and Find Miniature Worlds
  • Craft-Built Environments
  • Optical Illusions
  • I Spy Games and Puzzle Challenges
  • Curiosity Shop

Installation Area

Works will be displayed throughout the museum’s 36 acre Berkshire site, which overlooks the Housatonic River. Artists are invited to work with Museum staff to determine the best location for their work.


Hidden Worlds and Wonder will remain on view through the fall. Though it is not a requirement, please consider including a self-contained solar lighting system on or within your piece so that it can be illuminated at night. Access to electricity will not be available.


Juror commendations will be awarded for the most notable work in each of the five exhibition categories. A “Best in Show’ Award of $500 will be given, and five awards of $200 and a year-long membership to the Norman Rockwell Museum will be presented to the winner in each category.

Categories include:

  • Seek and Find Miniature Worlds
  • Craft-Built Environments
  • Optical Illusions
  • I Spy Games and Puzzle Challenges
  • Curiosity Shop

Submission Information

Norman Rockwell Museum is seeking three-dimensional, life-size, weatherproof, outdoor submissions.

  • Construction should be built to withstand the outdoor elements.
  • Materials must be viewer-safe and suitable for an outdoor installation.
  • Installations must be securely anchored into position

Application Deadline
Friday, March 28, 2025

Acceptance Notification
Friday, April 11, 2025

Opening Event
Saturday, July 12, 2025, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Delivery of Finished Artwork

Finished artworks may be delivered by appointment from Monday, July 7 through Friday, July 11. Artists may deliver works in person or ship at their expense. A selection of installation locations on the Museum’s grounds will be available. Artists must arrange for the transit of their works to the Museum and following the close of the exhibition.

Sales and Commissions

Artists may, but are not required to, submit their work for sale. Norman Rockwell Museum will retain 50%, with 50% of the sale price paid to the artist. All proceeds will help to fund the Museum’s exhibitions and programs. Please indicate your interest in offering your work for sale and the price of the work, if applicable, on the entry form.

Application Fee

There is an application fee of $25 to help defray the administrative costs associated with organizing this special exhibition.

Loan Agreements and Insurance

Norman Rockwell Museum loan agreements for submissions will be provided.


The exhibition will be publicized widely in print and online, and through social media. A site plan and information on artists/works of art will be made available to Museum visitors.


Please contact

Check out some examples from our last sculpture exhibition:

Image Credits:

Walter Wick, Clouds from I SPY Fantasy, 1994. Pigmented inkjet photograph. Gift of Walter Wick and Linda Cheverton Wick. 2024.5.28

Walter Wick, City Blocks from I SPY Fantasy, 1994. Pigmented inkjet photograph. Gift of Walter Wick and Linda Cheverton Wick. 2015.116.9LIC

Walter Wick, Sky High from Can You See What I See? Dream Machine, 2003. Pigmented inkjet photograph. Gift of Walter Wick and Linda Cheverton Wick. 2015.116.6LIC

Walter Wick, Treehouse from Hey, Seymour!, 2015. Pigmented inkjet photograph. Gift of Walter Wick and Linda Cheverton Wick. 2024.5.5

Walter Wick, Puss in Boots from Can You See What I See? Once Upon a Time, 2006. Pigmented inkjet photograph. Gift of Walter Wick and Linda Cheverton Wick. 2015.116.44LIC

Hidden Worlds and Wonders Application Form

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Clicking the Send button below will take you to a payment page. Applications submitted without completing the payment process will not be considered. If you experience any issues with the payment process, please email