Museum Celebrates a Gift of Love
This past week Norman Rockwell Museum announced the recent acquisition of Norman Rockwell’s 1926 painting, "Boy and Girl Gazing at Moon (Puppy Love)" with a public unveiling of the original work on February 13, in the Museum's galleries.
Your Home for Illustration Art
Illustration art has certainly been in the news lately. In addition to stories about the upcoming George Lucas narrative art museum and ongoing interest in Norman Rockwell's work, this week Daniel Grant of The Huffington Post asks the question, "Everyone Loves Illustration Art, But Where Does One See It?"
Norman Rockwell Museum Featured on CBS Evening News, May 22
We had baseball on the mind after a visit last week from Norman Rockwell's original "Rookie," model Sherm Safford. The subject of Rockwell's 1957 painting joined us to take part in the filming of a segment for CBS Evening News, to be broadcast around the occasion of Christie's auction of the original painting on May 22, 2014. Read all about the filming in last week's Berkshire Eagle, and tune into the segment, scheduled to air the evening of Thursday, May 22.
In The News: Famous Artists School Archives
Recently announced, our major gift from the Famous Artists School has been garnering quite a bit of press lately. This Sunday's New York Times reported on the substantial art and archives donation, made possible by Robert and Magdalen Livesey of Cortina Learning International, which still runs a version of the popular art correspondence course to this day.
Rockwell’s “Golden Rule”
This week the United Nations rededicated a large mosaic of Norman Rockwell's "Golden Rule," which hangs in their New York City Headquarters. Read more about the development on Norman Rockwell's iconic 1961 painting, which is part of the permanent collection of Norman Rockwell Museum.
“Snow White” in the Press
The news is in: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs: The Creation of a Classic is a hit. Here is a sampling of some of the recent press regarding our new exhibition.
Museum Intern’s Work Featured in High School Art Show
Visitors stopping by Norman Rockwell Museum to see this year's Berkshire County High School Art Show will view over one hundred outstanding works, created in a variety of different medium. One of the highlights is a painted self-portrait that was, in fact, created by one of the Museum's newest interns.
Press Celebrate Norman Rockwell’s Birthday
This past Sunday, February 3, 2013, was Norman Rockwell's 119th birthday, and both press and public reminded us how relevant the artist's work continues to be.
Naturalization Ceremony in the News
Norman Rockwell Museum and the Berkshire Immigration Center welcomed 23 new United States citizens on September 8, 2012, during a naturalization ceremony held in the Museum’s galleries. The Berkshire County residents from 16 different countries were sworn in as citizens in front of Norman Rockwell’s iconic "Four Freedoms" paintings.
Norman Rockwell Museum Artist Laureate David Macaulay Covers This Week’s New Yorker
Acclaimed Illustrator and Norman Rockwell Museum Artist Laureate David Macaulay has created the cover for this week's "New Yorker." Known for his many architectural books and helping us to learn "the way things work," Macaulay tackles the timely issue of the United States Postal Service and its uncertain future. The artist will receive the Artist Laureate award during a special awards ceremony to be held at the Museum on Saturday, September 24, 2011, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.