Norman Rockwell Museum
Norman Rockwell Museum
Season's Greetings from Laurie Norton Moffatt

Through his art, Norman Rockwell...

- encouraged us to follow the golden rule

- challenged us to strive for social justice

- inspired us to be better citizens

- and showed us that the best things
in life are everyday moments
with family and friends.

Norman Rockwell Museum pays forward these ideals everyday, around the world, through meaningful, accessible and engaging exhibitions, educational programs, and online access to the art of Norman Rockwell and American illustration.

We can't do it without you. Please make a gift today to share the values portrayed in Rockwell's paintings: kindness, decency, family, freedom and the American spirit.

Sending you warmest wishes for a wonderful holiday, and very Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued support.

$100,000 Challenge!

Help us reach our goal by making a tax-deductible donation to Norman Rockwell Museum! An anonymous contribution will match dollar for dollar, up to $100,000, any new or increased giving. Support Norman Rockwell Museum and our Annual Appeal...

Donate today!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Norman Rockwell Museum!

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Image credits:

"Christmas Homecoming," Norman Rockwell, 1948. Norman Rockwell Museum Collections. ©1948 SEPS: Licensed by Curtis Publishing, Indianapolis, IN

"Golden Rule," Norman Rockwell, 1961. Norman Rockwell Museum Collections. ©1961 SEPS: Curtis Publishing, Indianapolis, IN

"Merrie Christmas: Couple Dancing Under Mistletoe," Norman Rockwell, 1928. Collection of Bank of America. ©1928 SEPS: Curtis Publishing, Indianapolis, IN.

"Stockbridge Mainstreet at Christmas (Home for Christmas)," Norman Rockwell , 1967. Norman Rockwell Museum Collections. ©NRELC: Niles, IL.

Photos by Norman Rockwell Museum. ©Norman Rockwell Museum. All rights reserved.