![](/images/PRESS-IMAGES/scouts/thumbs/Boy_Scout_Handbook.jpg) Cover of 1960 "Boy Scout Handbook," Norman Rockwell. 1960. Licensed by Norman Rockwell Licensing, Niles, IL. From the permanent collection of Norman Rockwell Museum
![](/images/PRESS-IMAGES/scouts/thumbs/Boys_Life_magazine_cover_Ju.jpg) Cover illustration for Boys' Life magazine, Norman Rockwell, July 1933. Licensed by Norman Rockwell Licensing, Niles, IL. From the permanent collection of Norman Rockwell Museum.
![](/images/PRESS-IMAGES/scouts/thumbs/Building_a_brush_lean_The-B.jpg) "Building a brush lean-to of real balsam boughs," Norman Rockwell. 1912. From “The Boy Scout's Hike Book” by_Edward Cave, 1912. Licensed by Norman Rockwell Licensing, Niles, IL. From the permanent collection of Norman Rockwell Museum.
![](/images/PRESS-IMAGES/scouts/thumbs/NR_in_Boy_Scout_Costume_c.jpg) Norman Rockwell in Boy Scout uniform. c. 1965. Photo attributed to Louie Lamone. Licensed by Norman Rockwell Licensing, Niles, IL. From the permanent collection of Norman Rockwell Museum.