1. Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), After School, 1950. Oil on canvas. South Dakota Art Museum Collection. Gfit of Anonymous Donor.
2. Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), Coming Off Duty (Camouflage), 1929. Cover illustration for The American Legion Monthly, January 1930. Oil on canvas. The Kelly Collection of American Illustration Art.
3. Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), Empty Rooms, 1938. Story illustration for "Leave the Past Behind" by Frederick Merrill Tibbott, The Saturday Evening Post, May 21, 1938. Oil on canvas. South Dakota Art Museum Collection., Gift of Marion J. Kaye in memory of her mother, Helen M. Kerns. |
4. Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), Rich and Strange, 1923. Story illustration for "Rich and Strange" by Edith Barnard Delano, Ladies' Home Journal, September 1923. Oil on canvas. The Kelly Collection of American Illustration Art.
5. Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), Night Raid, 1928. Cover illustration for The American Legion Monthly, July 1928. Oil on canvas. The Kelly Collection of American Illustration Art.
6. Harvey Dunn (1884-1952), Buffalo Bones are Plowed Under, c. 1940. Oil on canvas. South Dakota Art Museum Collection, Gift of the Artist.