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School Vacation Week
Sketch Club – Digital Day: Holiday Traditions
Thursday – Monday, December 26 – 30,
10 – 11:30 a.m
Ages 7 and up.

Create images with digital technology inspired by images representing holiday traditions from around the world. This class encourages experimentation and skill development using iPads (provided). Check out #nrmsketchclub online. $8, $5 members.

FOR KIDS!   (Programs are free for Museum members, children 18 and under, or included with admission, unless otherwise noted. Adult(s) should plan to stay at the Museum during any kids program ).

Land Acknowledgement

It is with gratitude and humility that we acknowledge that we are learning, speaking and gathering on the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people, who are the indigenous peoples of this land on which the Norman Rockwell Museum was built. Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from here, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all.

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