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Narrative Art Matters, with Alice A. Carter
Saturday, September 22
1:30 p.m.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors adorned caves in Southern Europe with rock art so sophisticated, that even ardent admirers questioned its antiquity. Author, illustrator, and art historian Alice A. Carter will discuss the centuries-old narrative tradition that is vital to our understanding of the human experience. Free for Museum members, or included with Museum admission.

Land Acknowledgement

It is with gratitude and humility that we acknowledge that we are learning, speaking and gathering on the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people, who are the indigenous peoples of this land on which the Norman Rockwell Museum was built. Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from here, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all.

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