Painting Like the Illustrators of the Famous Artists School
Monday, January 9 through Friday, January 13
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Painter/illustrator Dan Howe will discuss and demonstrate the step-by-step Famous Artists School techniques for painting the figure as mastered by Norman Rockwell. Paint mixing, value, color strategies, and figure construction will be taught through observational painting from a live model. Utilizing an under-drawing and value plan, students will learn to compose fully-realized paintings of the figure.
Limited enrollment; advance registration required. $200; $175 members.
Materials List: Painting
Turpenoid (quart), paint cup for washing brushes (tuna can works fine), brushes; long-handled bristle oil , filbert or flat 2, 4, 6; Trowel-type palette knife; Tube Colors: (student-grade paints work well and are much less expensive); Cobalt Blue, Viridian Green, Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Deep, Raw Umber (for tonal studies); Minimum (5) Primed Stretched Canvas or Canvas Boards 12 x 16, 16 x 20 recommended for beginners; 12 x 16 tear-off disposable paper palette; roll of paper towel; and a garbage bag