James McMullan: Leaving Home

An Exhibition Organized by Norman Rockwell Museum.
(Factsheet at bottom of page)

This exhibition, highlighting the book Leaving China, will incorporate original illustrations, photography and archival materials to showcase a unique illustration talent.

David Macaulay

The Artist:

Leaving China, a memoir by James McMullan, is inspired by his World War II childhood, and the family’s travels from China to India, Canada, and the United States. “It is this dreamlike quality of my memories that I wanted to capture in some way in the paintings that accompany the text–to suggest in the images that the events occurred a long time ago in a simpler yet more exotic world, and that the players in that world, including me, are at a distance.”

This personal memoir comprising more than fifty illustrations explores how the artist’s early childhood in China and wartime journeys with his mother influenced his whole life, especially his painting and illustration. Photographs, personal correspondence and telegrams, and cherished childhood books and artifacts accompany the installation.

James McMullan’s Brushes, and Enamel Watercolor Palettes

Enamel butcher trays serve here as a useful tool for the artist, who mixes his watercolors more easily on a non-absorbent surface that also cleans up easily. He uses a combination of transparent watercolor and gouache, an opaque watercolor medium with a buttery consistency.

James McMullan’s School Uniform Cap and Patch

These mementos include the artist’s uniform cap from the China Inland Mission School in Cheefoo, and a patch from his days at St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling.

Sample Gallery:

James McMullan. The Bombing Scare

James McMullan. The Bombing Scare, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood by James McMullan. Watercolor on paper. Collection of the artist. Image © James McMullan. All rights reserved.

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood by James McMullan. Watercolor on paper. Collection of the artist. Image © James McMullan. All rights reserved.

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood by James McMullan. Watercolor on paper. Collection of the artist. Image © James McMullan. All rights reserved.

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood by James McMullan. Watercolor on paper. Collection of the artist. Image © James McMullan. All rights reserved.

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood by James McMullan. Watercolor on paper. Collection of the artist. Image © James McMullan. All rights reserved.

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood

James McMullan, 2014. Illustration for Leaving China: An Artist Paints His World War II Childhood by James McMullan. Watercolor on paper. Collection of the artist. Image © James McMullan. All rights reserved.

Exhibition Video:

Exhibition Factsheet:


Contact Manager of Traveling Exhibitions (see below).


Eight to twelve week exhibition period


Approximately 50 original artworks; photographs; archival documents; personal ephemera; exhibition film; introductory and biographical panels and object/extended identification labels.


All risk fine arts, wall to wall


Air ride, Climate controlled

High Security:

All works must be within sight of a trained security officer/staff member at all times during public hours.


Light level -18 to 22 foot candles for paintings and 5 to 7 foot candles for works on paper and other light restricted objects; humidity -50% plus or minus 5% and temperature 68 – 72 degrees, no direct sunlight and no direct contact with light fixtures or heating, air conditioning, ventilation, or electrical outlets


Approximately 1,000 square feet

Contact Information:

General Inquiries
Stephanie Haboush Plunkett
Deputy Director/Chief Curator