Elaine S. Gunn, former Norman Rockwell Museum educator. Photo: Norman Rockwell Museum. All rights reserved.
We are saddened to learn of the passing of our dear friend and colleague Elaine Gunn. Elaine worked with the Museum as both gallery guide and school program guide for over 18 years. She also served on our Board from 1996 to 2002.
Elaine and her family knew Norman Rockwell personally, and her daughter Tracey posed for the artist’s iconic New Kids in the Neighborhood painting. Her other daughter Anita served as one of the models for The Problem We All Live With (Elaine designed the white dress, currently on view at the Museum, that was worn by the girls posing for the picture).
In addition to her work at Norman Rockwell Museum, Elaine spent many years in the Berkshires as a teacher, active member of her church and community. She was involved with several other local townspeople in designating the birthplace of civil rights leader/Berkshire resident W.E.B. Du Bois as a historic site. Today a monument has been built on the site of DuBois’ boyhood home in Great Barrington.
Elaine was a wonderful mother, teacher, and friend; a graceful lady and treasured employee, who will be greatly missed.