Annual Appeal

Photo of Norman Rockwell at Stockbridge studio door. Photo by Louie Lamone. Norman Rockwell Museum Collections. ©Norman Rockwell Family Agency. All rights reserved.
This year, Norman Rockwell Museum has a unique opportunity to broaden physical access throughout our beautiful campus in Stockbridge, and around the world with digital access – and we need your help.
The Museum recently received a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to partially support our efforts to make Norman Rockwell’s Studio accessible to everyone. We must now raise $173,000 to match the grant. Generously donated to the Museum by the artist, the Studio has inspired millions of visitors since we opened it to the public 20 years ago.
Today, the Studio has a new universal entranceway that enables visitors with mobility and other physical challenges to enter it for the first time. In addition to a new accessible entranceway into Rockwell’s Studio, we have installed an automatic door opener to the Museum public entrance, added many more handicapped parking spaces, and are improving our walkways, roads, parking, outdoor lighting, and more. You can share our joy in making Rockwell accessible to all visitors by making a tax-deductible gift to support this meaningful work.
During this season of giving thanks, I hope we can count on your support!
If you prefer to contribute by phone or mail:
– Call 413.931.2234 to donate with a credit card.
– Mail your gift to:
Norman Rockwell Museum
Attn.: Development
P.O. Box 308, Stockbridge, MA 01262
IRA Rollover Set to Expire 12/31
The IRA Charitable Rollover, which allows people aged 70.5 to make tax-free distributions from their IRAs directly to charities, is set to expire on December 31, 2013. The provision has been in place for about six years, always on a temporary basis, and it has expired and been retroactively renewed before. It’s widely expected that Congress will not renew “expiring provisions” by the end of the year, and nobody can say with certainty when or if it will act, and if it does whether such action would again be retroactive.—A message from American Association of Museum Directors.