Norman Rockwell (1894-1978), "Portrait of Jane Fitzpatrick," 1972.

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978), “Portrait of Jane Fitzpatrick,” 1972. Charcoal on paper, 25 3/4″ x 20″. Private Collection.

Dear Friends and Norman Rockwell Museum Community,

Jane Pratt Fitzpatrick, early founding trustee of The Old Corner House and trustee emerita of Norman Rockwell Museum; beneficent civic leader to Stockbridge and all the Berkshires, passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, November 9, 2013, just 9 days shy of her 90th birthday. She leaves her daughters, Ann and Nancy and her husband Lincoln Russell, grandsons Casey Meade and Alexander Brown and many nieces and nephews, step grandchildren, and great extended family of friends in the community.

Elegant, strong, smart and generous, Jane was a force of good in the world. In addition to founding Country Curtains with her late husband Senator John H. ‘Jack’ Fitzpatrick and restoring the Red Lion Inn to its central place of hospitality and civic life in Stockbridge, Jane was an active leader in dozens of cultural and community organizations during her long and productive life.

During my 35 years with Norman Rockwell Museum, Jane has always stood as a mentor and beacon of light, optimism and great believer that all was possible. She and her husband Jack gave generously to all in the community, served selflessly and helped everyone. Both she and Jack were good friends of Norman and Molly Rockwell and both of them modeled for him in several paintings. In recent years they donated their beautiful Rockwell painting of The Cobbler, to the Museum.

I think we all feel the heaviness of heart that this is the end of an era, and hold the responsibility to continue to enact civic good to carry on the great tradition of Jane and Jack. Our hearts go out to Ann and Nancy at this time. Ann is a former trustee of the Museum and Nancy and her husband Lincoln serve on the Museum’s National Council. Jane lived a long and bountiful life – may her spirit be carried in our hearts forever.



Laurie Norton Moffatt

N O R M A N  R O C K W E L L  M U S E U M

Related Links:

“Jane Pratt Fitzpatrick, Berkshire County philanthropist and businesswoman, dies at 89,” Berkshire Eagle, November 11, 2013


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