Norman Rockwell Museum offers many kinds of opportunities for school visits. You may tour the galleries on your own with specially designed materials. Or you might prefer to explore the illustrations with one of our tour guides. Perhaps your students prefer hands-on activities, or to write about a favorite painting. Read more… [2]
The Museum’s programs are a vital link between the collections and exhibitions. They offer a unique blend of perspectives and are designed to foster inquiry and dialogue. Programs – for students and scholars – use active learning that is inspirational for people of all abilities and backgrounds. Whatever your age or interest, you’ll find that our programs explore how Rockwell’s art and visual communication can ignite the imagination, engage the mind and reflect our human experience – past, present, and future.Interested in learning more? Contact us by telephone at 413.298.4100, ext 252 or 260.
Education programming is made possible by .

Our staff work with hundreds of teachers every year and organize professional development seminars and special school-based curriculum projects on Rockwell, illustration, and visual communication. These interdisciplinary lessons and activities are flexible and can easily be altered based on the interests, questions, and responses of your students. We hope you will use these materials and share your lesson refinements and student responses with Norman Rockwell Museum. An evaluation form is included. Read more… [3]