Springtime in Stockbridge, 1971
In 1971, Look art director Allen Hurlburt, who had worked with Rockwell for seven years, documented Rockwell's 78th spring with an essay illustrated by this image of springtime in Stockbridge. Weather permitting, Rockwell and his wife Molly bicycled 4.7 miles daily from their home to Echo Lake and back. "You know," Rockwell used to say, "a painter's legs go first, like a ball player's. This is my way to stay active." Following Rockwell along West Main Street is Birgit Christensen, a Danish art student then visiting the Rockwell family; Molly Rockwell, and Rockwell's bookkeeper Douglas McGregor. Rockwell's assistant Louie Lamone leans against a tree at the right.
Springtime in Stockbridge, Norman Rockwell, 1971.
Oil on canvas, 32" x 68".
Story illustration for Look, June 1, 1971.
From the permanent collection of Norman Rockwell Museum.