November 12, 2011 through April 22, 2012
Robert Sabuda pop-up illustration from “Dinosaurs (Encyclopedia Prehistorica Series)” by Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart. Published by Candlewick Press, 2005. Artwork ©Robert Sabuda. All rights reserved.
The history and wonder of pop-up books will be brought to life in this special exhibition featuring Barbara and Bernard Shapiro’s extensive collection of movable literature for the young and the young at heart. The exhibition will feature diverse genres, from whimsy and fantasy to the worlds of art, history and science. Published books by the Munich-based illustrator Lothar Meggandorfer (1847-1925), multi-media artist Red Grooms, and pop-up masters Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart will be on view with selected original illustrations that have made these amazing published pop-ups possible. Original book illustrations will also be on view.